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Best alternatives to WampServer for Windows

Check out this selection with the best alternatives to WampServer for Windows. A list curated by Uptodown's Editorial Team that includes apps like WampServer with similar features and functionalities. Don't miss our recommendations and find the perfect match for your device!
1. Ampache icon
Ampache is a software program that allows you to access and manage your music collection over a local network or even the Internet. You will need...
2.3 k downloads
2. Gallery icon
Gallery is an excellent content manager that you can use to put up a website with custom photo albums. It's an easy way to share photographs...
52.2 k downloads
3. PHP icon
PHP is a general-purpose language whose main function is for the development of dynamic websites that access databases. Ever since it first appeared, PHP has been...
346.1 k downloads
4. phpMyAdmin icon
phpMyAdmin and MySQL are probably the most powerful free combination to manage any database. We're talking about a very stable and totally secure system to completely...
146.4 k downloads
5. FPDF icon
FPDF is a PHP class that allows you to generate PDF files with pure PHP, without having to use the PDFlib library. It represents a class...
45.8 k downloads
6. phpDesigner icon
PHP Designers is a powerful tool for those programmers who work with PHP. The program will help you clarify you source code and save time thanks...
61.6 k downloads
7. PHP Editor icon
PHP Editor is a fantastic editor that will help all PHP programmers and document editors, although it is useful in everyway for HTML, SQL, Java...
306.3 k downloads
8. EasyPHP icon
EasyPHP is a complete WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) tool suite for web project development that uses a pre-set environment which includes everything you...
162.5 k downloads
9. CodeIgniter icon
CodeIgniter is a web working environment for the development of web applications in PHP, that helps with writing in the source code and reduces the...
63.7 k downloads
10. MySQL PHP Generator icon
MySQL PHP Generator is a useful tool that makes the creation of PHP scripts easier to simplify the access of information contained in the MySQL...
41.5 k downloads

More apps like WampServer

CakePHP icon
PHP development framework based on MVC architecture
PHP Runner icon
Create PHP pages to modify the content of a database
pChart icon
PHP class to produce high-quality graphs
Manual de PHP icon
Learn to develop websites in PHP
PHP Nuke icon
Content manager for dynamic websites
PHPMaker icon
Generate PHP from databases
Rapid PHP Editor icon
Specialised PHP editor
Yii Framework icon
Create your PHP based webapp in a fast and safe way
MediaWiki icon
Build a website in the style of Wikipedia
Elgg icon
Content manager for creating social networks
Open Flash Chart icon
Generate dynamic graphs for websites in Flash format